The Elixir Gift Set


Playing with the dance between herbs and spirits, this Elixir Gift Set includes: Peace, Spirit and Devotion, packaged and ready to be gifted.

The Elixirs can be imbibed by the drop, stirred into tea or mixed into uniquely herbaceous cocktails.

Peace Elixir (50ml) ~ A smooth and tranquil blend of organic herbs energized with Spirits.

Rum infused with Rose petals*, Rose Hips*, Hawthorn berries*, Lavender*, Chamomile*, Vanilla bean and dried Tart Cherries*

Spirit Elixir (50ml) ~ The Spirit of Gaia, Mother Earth, has inspired this bright and lively blend.

Vodka infused with Hibiscus*, Red Clover*, Strawberry, Cardamom*, Lemon Balm*, Nettles* and Rose Hips*

Devotion Elixir (50ml) ~ This Elixir rouses the fierce and loyal guardian of your heart; the bearer of sacred boundaries.

Herbal Whisky infused with Rose*, Hawthorn Berries*, wild-crafted Nettles and raw honey.


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