Earth Goddess Body Oil



Motherwort and Mugwort form the base for this sacred body oil which invites you to adopt the ancient practice of body oiling. A divine practice of connecting to the skin you are in.

Motherwort, harvested on the Leo New Moon, and infused into Organic Olive Oil throughout Leo season, potentiating the lioness energy, protective, loving and fierce. The sun

Mugwort, harvested as the full Pisces moon reached it’s pinnacle of fullness, and infused into Organic Jojoba Oil throughout Virgo season, imbued with all of the mystical depths of the Moon and the rooted connectivity of the Earth.

Motherwort-infused Olive Oil*, Mugwort-infused Jojoba Oil*, Pomegranate Seed Oil*, Camellia Oil*, St. John’s Wort Oil*, essential oils of Forest Amber and Yarrow*


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